Office of Technology Assessment

ROGER C. HERDMAN, born in Boston, MA, September 22, 1933; Philips Exeter Academy, 1951; B.S., Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Yale University, 1955; M.D., Yale University, 1958. Interned at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. 1959-1961 a physician in the U.S. Navy. Thereafter, completed his residency in pediatrics and continued with a medical fellowship in immunology/nephrology at the University of Minnesota. Held positions of Assistant Professor and Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota and Albany Medical College between 1966-1979. In 1969, appointed Director of the New York State Kidney Disease Institute in Albany. 1969-1977, served as Deputy Commissioner of the New York State Department of Health. In 1977, named New York State's Director of Public Health. From 1979 until joining OTA, was a Vice President of the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. In 1983, named Assistant Director of Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) responsible for the Health and Life Sciences Division. Appointed Director of the OTA in May 1993. In addition to supervisory responsibility for all of OTA's reports on health care since 1983, he has authored and co-authored numerous articles for journals and periodicals including Health Affairs, Annals of Internal Medicine, International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care, and JAMA, addressing topics in pediatrics, kidney disease, transplantation, industrial-academic relationships in biotechnology, and new and emerging technologies. 1984-1993 served as Associate Editor for Cancer Investigation and co-authored "Health Technology and Health Reform," Report from Congress II(3), 337-344 (1993). Married to Grace Ellen Tifft; children: Jennifer, Lisa, Prudence and Betsey.

Updated: 1/5/95
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