WWC snapshot of http://www.gsa.gov/et/fic-firs/fic.htm taken on Sun Jun 4 2:12:30 1995

The Federal Information Center (FIC)

Provided by the General Services Administration,

Information Technology Service (Office of Current and Emerging Technology Implementation) [IMAGE: FIC Logo]

Telephone assistance for your questions about the United States Federal Government.

Have you ever tried to find an answer to a simple question about the U.S. Federal Government and ended up on a merry-go-round of referrals? Or have you ever had a question about the U.S. Federal Government that was so difficult that you didn't even know where to begin?

The Federal Information Center can help you. It has specially trained its staff to answer your questions or to direct you to the person with the answer in the U.S. Federal Government.

To call the Center, dial the appropriate telephone number listed below. The Center is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., local time, unless otherwise noted.

  1. States with Toll-Free Service.
  2. Metropolitan Areas with Toll-Free Service.
  3. Nationwide TDD/TTY Toll-Free Service.
  4. Telephone Number for All Other Callers.

[IMAGE: Little Telephone] States with Toll-Free Service.

People calling from any location in the following States can reach the Federal Information Center using a Toll-Free telephone number: (800) 688-9889.

[IMAGE: Little Telephone] Metropolitan Areas with Toll-Free Service.

People calling from the following metropolitan areas can reach the Federal Information Center using a Toll-Free telephone number: (800) 688-9889.

[IMAGE: TDD Symbol] Nationwide TDD/TTY Toll-Free Service.

People using Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf (TDD/TTY) can call toll-free from anywhere in the United States by dialing (800) 326-2996. Only TDD/TTY callers can reach the Center on this number. Other callers should use the appropriate telephone number listed elsewhere.

TDD/TTY users may also be interested in the State telecommunications relay service list or information about the Federal Information Relay Service.

[IMAGE: Little Telephone] Telephone Number for All Other Callers.

If you are not calling from one of the areas listed above, or do not use a TDD/TTY, you can still reach the Center by calling (301) 722-9000. This is NOT a Toll-Free telephone number.

Information about the FIC Program: Warren.Snaider@gsa.gov
Web Page layout and design: Tom.Howder@gsa.gov

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