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NTIA's Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications (OTIA) assists state and local governments, educations and health care entities, libraries, public service agencies, and other groups in effectively using telecommunications and information technologies to better provide public services and advance other national goals. This is accomplished through the administration of the Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program, the Public Telecommunications Facilities Program and the National Endowment for Children's Educational Television.

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The Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program promotes the widespread use of advanced telecommunications and information technologies in the public and non-profit sectors. The program provides matching demonstration and planning grants to state and local governments, health care providers, school districts, libraries , social service organizations, public safety services, and other non-profit entities to help them develop information infrastructures and services that are accessible to all citizens, in rural as well as urban areas. The program was specifically created to support the development of the National Information Infrastructure.

The Public Telecommunications Facilities Program supports the expansion and improvement of public telecommunications services by providing matching grants for equipment that disseminate noncommercial educational and cultural programs to the American public. The main objective of the program is to extend the deliver of public radio and television to unserved areas of the United States. Under the program's authority, funds are also allocated to support the Pan-Pacific Educational and Cultural Experiments by Satellite (PEACESAT) project. PEACESAT provides satellite-delivered education, medical, and environmental emergency telecommunications to many small-island nations and territories in the Pacific Ocean region.

The National Endowment For Children's Educational Television supports the creation and production of television programming that enhances the education of children. The program provides matching grants for television productions, which are designed to supplement the current children's educational program offerings and strengthen the fundamental intellectual skills of children. In addition, a ten-member national Advisory Council on Children's Educational Television provides advice to the Secretary of Commerce on funding criteria for the program and other matters pertaining to its administration.

Dr. Charles M. Rush, Acting Assoc. Administrator, Email: CRUSH@NTIA.DOC.GOV
Sandy Stewart, Secretary, Email: SSTEWART@NTIA.DOC.GOV
Emilio Gonzalez, Policy Analyst, Email: EGONZALEZ@NTIA.DOC.GOV
Wayne Ritchie, Program Analyst, Email: WRITCHIE@NTIA.DOC.GOV
Roger Clark, Network & Technology Manager, Email: RCLARK@NTIA.DOC.GOV
Program Staffs:
     Office of Telecommunications and Information Applications
     National Telecommunications and Information Administration
     U.S. Department of Commerce, Room 4096
     14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
     Washington, D.C.  20230
     Telephone: (202) 482-5802
     Facsimile: (202) 501-8009
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