WWC snapshot of http://www.its.bldrdoc.gov/bluebook/p-27.html taken on Sat Jun 10 22:33:57 1995


ITS has developed much expertise in measurement system design and operation, based especially on its role in developing and using systems like the Radio Spectrum Measurement System (RSMS). This expertise has led other Government agencies to request assistance from ITS in evaluating their spectrum measurement requirements, providing spectrum measurement systems, and training their personnel in the use of the systems.

A family of compatible modular measurement hardware and software is based on MS-DOS computers, general-purpose utility software, and commercial spectrum analyzers, with specialized instrumentation added as needed. These systems have been extensively used within ITS for various spectrum measurements (based on the Suitcase RSMS system) and by other agencies.

Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR) - US Air Force

A series of three complete measurement systems delivered to the Air Force for UTTR activities include 2 mobile systems (pictured) and a transportable system. The systems include frequencies to 40 GHz, bandwidths to 50 MHz, and specialized radar pulse measurement equipment. Rackmount 386 computers and removable optical storage form the heart of the controller/data recording system. A very capable radar pulse analyzer system can measure and record up to 5,000 pulses per second continuously for several hours. Digital oscilloscopes and time interval analyzers furnish additional real-time information about radar systems. Noise diodes provide total system calibration from the antenna terminals. The mobile units use low noise front ends with spinning-dish direction finding and a telescoping antenna tower. The transportable system includes a remote antenna/tuner unit coupled with 10 km of analog fiber optic cable.

Yuma Proving Ground

This system being designed for the Army includes a low-cost mobile system with coverage up to 18 GHz, as well as several remote DF sites designed to rapidly track down unauthorized radio transmitters on the Proving Ground.