WWC snapshot of http://www.its.bldrdoc.gov/bluebook/p-25.html taken on Sat Jun 10 22:33:57 1995


The RSMS was first used in 1973 as a tool for spectrum management in the Federal Government. These measurements of Government frequency usage help NTIA form a technical basis for policy decisions in managing the Government's use of the radio spectrum.

The RSMS contains multiple computer-directed RF measurement systems with software to support a wide range of measurement activities. Site surveys across a wide range of frequencies, specialized band usage measurements, and transmitter emission spectrum measurements are typical of RSMS measurements. In addition, the modular software design allows rapid customization of existing measurement routines to meet new measurement or analysis requirements. A new measurement van is being procured which will be transportable by C-130 aircraft.

In addition to the direct support of NTIA frequency management efforts, the RSMS takes part in Other- Agency reimbursed measurements to assist these agencies in solving interference and other spectrum- related problems. Recent efforts include a set of building-top measurements on microwave band occupancy and propagation, and study of band occupancy in potential bands for personal communication services (PCS), and a world-wide set of spectrum surveys at various communication sites.

Suitcase Measurement System

A portable measurement system has been developed which is used as an extension of RSMS capabilities. This system provides logistic flexibility for situations that require portability, while supporting many of the capabilities of the RSMS. This MS-DOS-based system has developed into a family of compatible measurement modules and has been used worldwide beginning in 1990.

Measurement Workshops

ITS provides annual workshops on spectrum measurement theory and techniques, enabling a wide range of government and corporate customers to learn some of the finer points of spectrum measurement, practical techniques for using available instrumentation, and the interpretation of measurement results.