WWC snapshot of http://www.dfrf.nasa.gov/PhotoServer/branch.html taken on Sun Jun 4 1:48:22 1995

Imaging Technology Branch

The Imaging Branch is based on three technologies. The Branch photo lab provides traditional products the customer has always depended upon for illustration, documentation and presentations. These products include prints, viewgraphs, slides, and light box displays. Motion picture film provides high resolution and high speed documentation.

Video is the second technology used by the Branch. Video provides low cost, easily edited materials for research updates, employee education, and presentations. The Branch specializes in creating video productions for these purposes. Narration and music are artfully edited with video and graphics to clarify and enhance content.

Digital technology is providing tremendous capabilities for the Branch to expand the usefulness of photography and video. Computer graphics, transferred to video, are now an important element of nearly every video production. When the topic is flight simulation, ALL the visuals may be computer generated. Many Branch photos are now digitally edited for layout, image enhancement, or to add text. Digital images can be rapidly and inexpensively printed. Non-photographic images are also printed in color directly from customer files.

Multimedia combines images with sound. The Branch uses digital video and audio to previsualize a video production, to enhance an electronic conference or presentation, or to create a stand alone presentation such as the Newcomer's Orientation kiosk in the Human Resources Branch.

Computer networks provide convenient access to Branch resources-many of which are on-line. Additionally, the Branch is part of a NASA network of specialized telephone modems that share photos. The Branch expects the greatest opportunities for serving its customers will be through its close affiliation with the expanding network facilities at Dryden.

Modified: October 19, 1994
Page Curator: Robert Binkley - binkley@xavier.dfrc.nasa.gov

Responsible NASA Official:
Marty Curry
Dryden Imaging Technology Branch
Email: Marty_Curry@qmgate.dfrc.nasa.gov
Phone: 805-258-3478