WWC snapshot of http://www.dfrf.nasa.gov/People/Binkley/binkley.html taken on Sat Jun 3 19:40:58 1995

Robert Binkley Signature page

Welcome to my pothole on the Information Superhighway.

Current phone book information:
NAME                        EXT/PGR  M/S     BLDG ROOM   ORG  EMPLOYER
--------------------------- -------- ------- ---- ------ ---- ------------
Binkley, Robert L           3776/NA  D4840A  4840 0212   XFE  NASA         

| Robert L. Binkley, EIT    | INTERNET: binkley@xavier.dfrf.nasa.gov        |
| NASA Dryden FRF           |  ADDRESS:                       |
| PO Box 273  MS: B4840A    |    -or-                                       |
| Edwards, CA  93523-5000   |           binkley@xfe.dfrf.nasa.gov           |
| fone: 805-258-3776        |                       |
|  fax: 805-258-2792        |                                               |
|  barf  [ba:rf]  2.  "He suggested using FORTRAN, and everybody barfed."   |
|                                                                           |
|    - From The Shogakukan DICTIONARY OF NEW ENGLISH (Second edition)       |
Binkley's fanfare for the common toon

Counter test:

Modified: September 28, 1994
Curator: Who do ya think?