WWC snapshot of http://www.cs.bgsu.edu/~jzawodn/ufo/Area51/index.html taken on Sun May 28 22:33:26 1995

Area 51

These pictures provided by Chris Barrus (chrisb@golem.ps.uci.edu)


These pictures were all taken by me on a weekend road trip out to "Area 51," an area on the northern side of the Nellis Bombing & Gunnery Range in Nevada. Area 51 is home to Groom Lake, where a top-secret (well, not that much of a secret) Air Force base is located. Groom Lake is the supposed testing grounds of Project Aurora, the Air Force's replacement for the SR-71 spy plane.

Further south of Groom Lake is Papoose Lake, sometimes known as S-4, or "Dreamland." This is the supposed location of several flying saucers that are in the government's possession.

The best book (IMHO) on this area and on the Nevada UFOs in general, is a self-published book entitled Area 51 Viewer's Guide by Glenn Campbell. It covers the entire area around Area 51 and Rachel, Nevada, describes the various types of objects people have seen in the area, as well as the best viewing spots. This book is very well-written, with a much needed sense of humor which most UFO material lacks. Rather than being a saucer guide, the book is more "nuts and bolts" oriented toward the mechanics of going out to the middle of Nevada to look for the unexplained. All of the material is based upon facts as investigated by the author himself. I strongly suggest buying a copy.

Area 51 Viewer's Guide
by Glenn Campbell
available from the author at:
Glenn Campbell
c/o Little A"Le"Inn
HCR Box 45
Rachel, NV 89001
or also at:

Glenn Campbell
P.O. Box 44-1397
Somerville, MA 02144

The Pictures

All photographs taken on March 20, 1993. Prints were later scanned via a Microtek 600ZS scanner onto a Macintosh Quadra 950. Some enhancement was done on the photos with Adobe Photoshop, but only to increase contrast and brighten up some of the darker areas of the photos. I took most of these photos while shooting into the sun.

This is the warning sign on the north side of Groom Lake Road telling you to go away.
I took this photo at the point where Groom Lake Road enters the Restricted Area. I haven't the foggiest idea what this is and I couldn't get a better picture of it without crossing into the restricted area. It is located on the north side of Groom Lake Road about 100 yards away from the shoulder.
The Little A"Le"Inn roadhouse, motel, and diner. Located in Rachel, Nevada. Local gathering spot for Area 51 enthusiasts and locals. Really good food!
Map of the Tikaboo Valley which includes Area 51, Rachel, the Black Mailbox, and Groom Lake. Taken from the above-mentioned Area 51 Viewer's Guide.
Four photographs taken at the Black Mailbox location on NV-375. I combined the photographs together to create this one long image of the entire area including: Bald Mountain and the Groom Mountains, the Black Mailbox itself, and the point where Groom Lake Road enters the base. The Groom Mountains lie entirely within the Restricted Area, although it is possible to glimpse Groom Lake from the top of White Sides, just off of Groom Lake Road. Look at this picture in conjunction with the map to get a good idea of where things are.
Although Groom Lake Road is very smooth (I was doing 50mph+ quite easily) it is covered with a fine layer of dust which creates a HUGE dust trail which follows you. While I was driving back to NV-375 along Groom Lake Road and the Mailbox Road, I was followed by an unmarked tan Chevy mini-truck with a camper shell. This truck could hide quite easily in my dust trail without letting me see him. I didn't notice his presence until I turned north on the Mailbox Road toward NV-375 and caught a glimpse of him. When I finally reached NV-375, I was met by an unmarked olive-drab Chevy full-size pick-up driven by a man dressed in desert fatigues. No government markings were on the truck, and it had Nevada plates. I took this photo looking back over at the two trucks just after I pulled onto NV-375.
More signs on the south side of Groom Lake Road telling you to go away.
Chris Barrus, chrisb@lynx.ps.uci.edu

Jeremy D. Zawodny, Bowling Green State University