WWC snapshot of http://www.alw.nih.gov/Docs/AFS/AFS_2.html taken on Sat Jun 10 19:13:07 1995

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More on Volumes

This chapter provide some more details about volumes. For even more details, see the AFS User's Guide, or the AFS Command Reference Guide.

Volume quotas

To examine the quota on a volume within AFS, the `fs listquota' command may be used. `fs listquota' responds with the name of the volume containing the specified directory, the quota size, amount used, percent used, and the percent of space used on the partition containing the volume.

% fs lq /afs/nih/src/X11R5/mit /usr/local/gnu
Volume Name            Quota    Used    % Used   Partition
src.X11R5.mit         250000  201262       81%         41%
pmax_ul4.usr.local.gnu 40000   28873       72%         31%

All sizes are in kilobytes.

Mount points

You may find out if a particular directory, or list of directories, is a mount point using the `fs lsmount' command.

% cd /afs/nih/@sys/usr/local
% fs lsm TeX X11 courier_database gnu man
'TeX' is a mount point for volume '#pmax_ul4.usr.local.TeX'
'X11' is a mount point for volume '#pmax_ul4.usr.local.X11'
'courier_database' is not a mount point.
'gnu' is a mount point for volume '#pmax_ul4.usr.local.gnu'
'man' is a mount point for volume '#pmax_ul4.usr.local.man'

This output shows that all of the directories listed except `courier_database' are mount points for volumes. One can then use `fs lq' to get information about the quotas of the various volumes.

Volume location

You may find out what machine, or machines, have copies of a file (or, more accurately, it's containing volume) using the `fs whereis' command. For example:

% fs whereis /usr/local/show /afs/nih/src/afs
File /usr/local/show is on hosts parker quays
File /afs/nih/src/afs is on host parker

Note that any volume which is replicated, such as the one containing `/usr/local', is read-only. If you need to access the read-write copy of the volume, you should contact the System Administrator for instructions.

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