WWC snapshot of http://giant.mindlink.net/nwho/news.html taken on Sat May 6 21:53:45 1995
A little house picture. Northwest Homes Online

What's new at NorthWest Homes Online?

The 1st sale from our Internet ads has happened! Congratulations to Donna Lavigne of MacDonald Realty in Vancouver.

We are growing by leaps and bounds!. Our Real Estate ads now range from Victoria to Ontario and Costa Rica as well. Accesses to our pages are up to over 700 per day and rising. 2/3 of these accesses are coming from North America and the other 1/3 from the rest of the world, mostly Asian countries, Germany and the U.K.

Internet advertising has been keeping Jan so busy that she has hung up her Real Estate license to devote full time to NorthWest Homes Online. Her 9 years experience in Real Estate has helped her to understand the marketing techniques needed in this industry today.

The Internet offers an attractive and inexpensive compliment to the traditional forms of print advertising. At NorthWest Homes Online your ads are visible to more than 20 million people world wide 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. From our home page you can connect with other Real Estate servers to find more than 150,000 property ads world wide.

Some new properties on our pages:
A 14 acre waterfront property in Half Moon Bay on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of B.C.?
There is fresh snow in Whistler Village B.C so check out the apartment on Alta Lake Road!
We also have a number of new properties advertised for Vancvouver, Richmond and Langley, so come have a look!

Jan & Gord Wait, NorthWest Homes Online

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Send email to nwho@mindlink.bc.ca or call us at (604) 588-7746
Created by Gord Wait and Janet Wait of Northwest Homes Online.