WWC snapshot of http://giant.mindlink.net/nwho/gordwait.html taken on Sat May 6 21:55:23 1995
A little house picture. Northwest Homes Online

A .gif image.

Gord Wait

Northwest Homes Online

Delta B.C. Canada

email: nwho@mindlink.bc.ca

Your Family Webmeister

Gord is still digging around for just the right picture to put on his profile page, but this one will do for now. He wrote a custom database for this project in perl, which allows us to update the html quickly, and add new features easily.

Home Page Northwest Homes Online
About Northwest Homes Online...
Send email to nwho@mindlink.bc.ca or call us at (604) 588-7746
Created by Gord Wait and Janet Wait of Northwest Homes Online.