WWC snapshot of http://cuiwww.unige.ch/eao/www/mpeg/thant.html taken on Sat Jun 10 12:31:23 1995


Total Links : 179

Major new links coming soon!

This document contains short descriptions and links to servers on the web which serve computer generated animations, visualizations, movies and interactive images.

I am adding new links on this page as more sites are found and I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide information on sites that you have come across which are not listed on this page. I also like to thank every one who has contributed and special thanks to Timo Veijola, timo@aplac.hut.fi ,for making this page accessable via lynx.

Thank you very much and enjoy your visit.

This site is maintained by Thant Nyo, an undergraduate senior at the Towson State University, with the help of Dr. Cohen at the Perceptual Science Laboratory at UCSC where my documents are being hosted.

Please send your comments and suggestions.


Thanks again!

ps: This site is dedicated to Lisa

3-D tutor samples by Earle Lane

This site is at Cal State Hayward US and contains some Silicon Graphics movies on animations from the 3-D tutor.

3-D Web

This site is in US and maintained by Dani Colajacomo. It is dedicated to 3-D graphics.

3-D Wind Vectors Over Maui

This site is at UCSD, US and contains a mpeg of a 3-Dimensional Massless Particle Advection through Wind Circulation over the Hawaian Island of Maui.

ANUSF Visualization Laboratory

This site is in Austrailia and contains visualizations done at the Lab. It is under construction and currently contains Polymer Visualization and Volume Rendering.

Aquarium Movies from FINS

This site is in US and is the homepage for Fish INformation Server(FINS). It has some movies of fish tanks.

The site maintainer Mark Rosenstein also has some mpegs of his projects.

Aquarium movie from the NAP

This site is also in US and contains ampeg of a fish tank as well as live still images of an aquarium.

Animation of the Big Bang

This is the homepage for the Cosmic explorer and has the SGI movie and mpeg of the Big Bang.

Andrew Tong's Mpeg Archive

This site is at CalTech in US. It contains many mpegs collected by Andrew Tong and a cool mpeg of a clip from the movie Under Siege.

Army High Performance Computing Research Center

This site is in Minnesota, US and contains various images and animations of their research projects in:

Army Research Lab (ARL) Sci-Vis Archive

This site is in Aberdeen Maryland US, and contains examples of some of the latest work being done in the field of Scientific Visualization, including a set of MPEG images.

More details on the Scientific Visualization effort are availiable.

Public FTP Archive

This is the computer graphics archive of the ARL. Here is the general area.Here is a set of mpeg images.

Astronomical Pictures and Animations

This site is in France and contains:

The Beatles Quicktimes

This site is at Illinois US and contains QT movies and images of the Beatles.

Beaumont Tower

This site is at Michigan State University and contains the mpeg of their campus' landmark, the Beaumont Tower.

Bena Currin's page

This site is at CalTech US and is maintained by Bena Currin. It has some mpegs.

Biochemistry Center Animations

This site is at Hahnemann University School of Medicine US and is the homepage for the Medical Biochemistry center on the Net. It has an animations section which has many animations of diverse biochemical processess such as Enzymology, Heme Metabolism, Lipid Metabolism, etc.

Biocomputation Center at NASA

This site is at the NASA Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California US. It contains mpegs on the reconstrucation, visualization and simulation of neural tissue. More visualizations will be added soon.

Bundy Movies

This site is in UK. It is the home page for the cool TV show "Married With Children" and contains sounds, pictures, quotes and mpegs too.

Here's a famous quote :)

CAPP Demo page

This site is the University of Colorado at Boulder US. It is the Demo page for the Center for Applied Parallel Processing. It has movies in their research areas of:

note: This page contains 25 small inline images and takes some time to download.

Calculus Graphics by Douglas N. Arnold

This site is at Pennsylvania State University US and contains Calculus Visualizations by Douglas N. Arnold.

Cardiac Functional Imaging

This site is at the U of Texas at Arlington US. It is part of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Group's research. Currently it has a mpeg for the Automated motion evaluation of Left Ventricular Tissue.

CEBAF Electron Accelerator Movies

This site is in US and is the homepage of the The US Department of Energy's Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility, CEBAF. It currently has a movie of their electron accelerator.

Center for Geometry Analysis Numerics and Graphics

This site is in Massachusetts US and is the home page for the GANG. The quicktimes section is still under construction but you can find a couple of quicktimes, viewers and info.

Center for Innovative Computer Applications

This site is in Indiana US. The main graphics directory is still under construction but the site have a lot of animations and mpegs for their diverse projects. They can be found in CICA projects sub-link of their home page.

CeVis Homepage

This site is at Bremen Germany and is the homepage of Center for Complex Systems and Visualization. It contains some sample movies.

Chemistry Visualizations Movies from Finland

This site is in Finland and contains many animations related to Chemistry done by the Visualization group in Finland.

The animations are for:

Chemistry Visualizations Movies from Virginia Tech

This site is at Virginia Polytechnic and State University and contains Quicktimes and mpegs of their visualizations.

Cocteau Twins Video Clips

This site is at Berkeley US and is the home page of the Cocteau Twins. It contains Quicktimes of their performances.

College of Chemistry at U.C. Berkeley

This site is in California US. It contains movies for:

Cornell Visualizations

This site is at Cornell University US and contains many mpegs made at the Cornell Theory Center using Wavefront and Data Explorer AVS.

Coastal Ocean Modeling at the USGS

This site is in US and contains circulation movies in FLC format.

CoVis Porject Video Clips

This site is at Northwestern University US, and contains Quicktimes of their people and projects.

CRS4 Animation Gallery

This site is in Italy and contains mpegs in:

Here is a mirror in UK

Mpegs made in Croatia

This site is at Crotia and contains mpegs of staff at ZEMS.


is another mpeg site from Croatia. The Math Department at the University of Zagreb.

CVL Digital Library

This site is at Colorado State University and contains movies in their Numerical Simulations in:

Cyberspace Logo movies

This site is at Idaho US and contains mpegs of the Cyberspace Logo.

Video clips from Darmstadt

This site is at the Technical University of Darmstadt Germany. The descriptions are in German so but it has some mpegs on their experiments.

Data Visualisation Group

This site is in Italy and is the home page of DVG. It contains samples of their visualization and animation systems applied in the areas of:

David Bank's Research

This site is maintained by David Banks, a staff scientist at NASA Langley Research Center US. It has visualizations and some animation of his research areas such as Flow Visualization, Illumination and Rendering.

Dex Technologies Animations

This site is at UPENN US and contains animations done by Dex Technologies.

Facial Animations at UBC

This site is in Canada and maintained by David Forsey and contains his work in facial animations.

Distributed Interactive Virtual Environment (DIVE) Movies

This site is in Sweden and contains sample movies of DIVE, a fully distributed heterogeneous Virtual Reality system.

Research Interests of Dr. Michael G. Prisant

This site is in North Carolina US and contains various images and movies of the current research projects carrying out by Dr Michael Prisant of DUKE University Chemistry Department.

Research Intrests of Dr. Henry Rzepa

This site is in UK and contains images and mpegs of the current research projects carrying out by Dr Henry Rzepa at the Department of Chemistry at Impreial College, London.

Eclipse Mpeg

This site is at Indiana, US and contains a mpeg of a solar eclipse captured from Kirkwood Observatory.

ESCAPE animations

This site is at Eindhoven University in Netherlands and contains animations done by their Eindhoven Schematic Capture and Simulation Environment, ESCAPE.

F-16XL High Lift Project

This site is in US and contains sample movies of NASA LaRC's F-16 project.

Figure Skating Page

This site is at Yale US and currently contains a mpeg of Nancy Kerrigan.

Formula 1 Racing Movies

This site is UK and has mpegs of F1 races.

Fractal animations

This site is in France and has fractals and fractal animations.

Frog project movies

This site is at the Lawrence Berkeley Lab US and contains a mpeg and six Quicktime movies of the 3d visualization of a frog.

Galaxy Animations

This site is at Universtiy of Oregon US and contains movies of colliding galaxies, a dark matter encounter, and morphing animation of UV to IR appearance of M81.

GC3 Cosmic Movies

This site is at UIUC US and is the homepage for the Grand Challenge Cosmology Consortium, GC3. It contains movies in their current research areas such as:

Genetic Art from CMU

This site is at Carnegie Mellon US and contains Interactive Genetic movies in mpeg format done by the students at the School of Computer Science.

Georgia Institute of Technology - Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center

This site is at the Georgia Institute of Technology US. It contains the animations of their research projects in areas such as dynamic simulations of human behaviors, the Phobia Project, automated segmentation of Angiographic images and surgery simulation.

Also here is the Virtual Reality - Interactive Visualizer project, which allows multiple users interactive and realtime access to shared virtual environments.

GRASS GIS Visualizations

This site is in US and contains mpegs and images created using GRASS visualization software. The images are done by the USACERL Visualization Group.

Hang Gliding Movies

This site is at Stanford University US and contains various Hang Gliding mpegs and quicktimes.

Hawaii Community College's mpegs

This site is at Hawaii US and contains mpegs of places on their campus.

Hydrofoil mpegs

This site is maintained at MIT US. It is the homepage for the human-powered "Decavitator" hydrofoil. It has some mpegs for its runs.

IMDA Quicktimes

This site is in Baltimore Maryland, US, and contains sample quicktime movies { some 17 meg long }.


This site is at the Helsinki School of Economics in Finland and it is under construction. Currently it contains a mpeg of two Jets flying and a picture of a F-14 on afterburner.

Jorma Rinkinen's Homepage

This site is in Finland. It has some morphing animations.

Indiana University's Astronomy Animations

This site is at University of Indiana and contains mpegs of astronomical simulations, galaxy clusters and eclipses.

Juggling Movies

This site is in US and contains mpegs of juggling performances.

Kaleidospace movies

This site is at Kaleidospace company and contains various quicktimes of their products.

Kallio's Homepage

This site is in Finland and it's in finnish. It currently contains a mpeg and a quicktime of two little kittens playing.

Kylie Minogue's Videos

this site is in Uk and is the homepage for Auzzie singer Kylie Minogue. It has alot of her video clips and sounds.

Laboratory of Eidomatics

This site is in Milan Italy and contains mpegs of their research areas such as Volume Rendering.

LIPS Movies

This site is at the University of Texas US and is the homepage for The Laboratory for Intelligent Processes and Systems, LIPS. It contains movies in Virtual Decision Environment.

MATLAB Gallery

This site is in Massachusetts US and contains images animations from the MathWorks Company using their MATLAB software.

Massimin's Animations

This site is in France and contains Sterograms and animations.

Eindhoven University of Technology

This is a growing mpeg archive in Netherlands.

Here are some of it's mirror { Supermodels } sites.


Buffalo US

A site in Canada

Some of the mpegs can be found also at:

A site in Japan

A site in Italy

Another one in Italy

UNC Gopher

A site at the University of North Carolina or

Warsaw University

A site in Poland.

Monash University

A site in Australia.

A site in Canada.

Berkeley Site

Kelly Hall's collection

Andrew Leahy's collection

This site is in Australia and contains mpegs in computer graphics, models, music videos and others.

FTP Sites:


is a more complete hotlist maintained by Ron Weiss at MIT.

Arizona Site

This site in Arizona has many space related and space craft fly-by mpegs and quicktime movies.


This is a millitary site and contains alot of animations in different categories.


Meteosat-3 animations

A Site in Sweden

FLC animations

This site is maintained by the Human Factor at Santa Cruz US and has flc animations.

A Quicktime site in Japan

Gopher sites:

A Site in Japan

Ren and Stimpy Quicktimes

A Quicktime site at U of Michigan

Another Quicktime Site

Mihailo Alic's Site

This site is at University of Illinois at Chicago US and contains mpeg of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) projects in VR etc.

Mitchell Whitelaw's Homepage

This site is in Australia and contains some quicktime animations made by Mitchell in virtual kinetic sculpture and more.

N-body Pictures

This site is in US and contains a mpeg of a 17 million particle Cold Dark Matter Cosmology simulation.

Narciso Jaramillo's Mpegs

This site is at Berkeley US and contains mpegs {"mostly eye candy"} done by Narciso Jaramillo.

National Marine Fisheries Service

This site is in US and currently contains sea temperature mpegs and whale song soundfiles.

NatPix Products

This site is the homepage for the NatPix Products in US. It has the demo movies for one of its animation tool products, Blizzard. It is till under construction.

NCSA Digital Gallery : Science theater animations and images

This site is in Illinois, US and contains animations in categories of:

NHL Clips

This site is at Rutgers University US and contains many NHL images and some mpegs.

Northridge Earthquake Simulation Movies

This site is in US and contains pictures sounds and a mpeg of Northridge Earthquake Simulation using Tres3D.

NRL's Visualization Lab

This site in is in US and is under construction. It contains some example movies.

NSFNET Traffic Analysis

This site is in US and contains movies that show the growth of NSFNET backbone.

Open Virtual Reality Testbed sample movies

This site is at the National Institute of Standards and Technology US. It contains some sample movies from the OVRT.

Patrick Murphy's Collections

This site is maintained by Patrick Murphy from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, US. It has FLIs, Gls and MPEGs.

Pearl Jam Movies

This site is at University of Michigan and contains some movies of the Band Pearl Jam.

UCSC - Perceptual Science Laboratory

This site is at the University of California at Santa Cruz and contains their research and Facial Animations. Also this Index is maintained at that site.

Thank you very much Dr. Cohen.

Pittsburgh Relativity Group Animations

This site is at Pittsburgh US. It is currently under construction but contains two mpegs.

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Research

This site is at Pittsburgh US and contains visualization movies for their ongoing research in:

Pixel Motion's Gallery

This site is in Canada and contains mpeg animations made by the PixelMotion Images Inc. Some of it include mpegs from an upcoming TV series and a preview of a 12 km bridge between the Canadian mainland and Prince Edward Island.

Planet Earth's Mpeg Site

This is in US and is the mpeg page of the Planet Earth Archives.

POPBUGS - A Simulation Environment for Track-driven Robots

This site is at the University of Sussex at Brighton, UK. It contains many mpegs of simulation of robot motions in a 2-D world done using the POPBUGS package by the School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences.

Quicktime Guide

This site is at UIUC US and contains Quicktime players and sample Quicktime movies.

A Collection of Quicktimes

This site is in US but it points out to Quicktime collections in Six different places.

A Quicktime Library from MCNC

This site is in North Carolina US and contains Quicktime movies courtesy of orth Carolina Telephone Association and MCNC.

A Quicktime site at Berkeley

This site is in U.C Berkeley and contains some Quicktimes.

Raytraced Mpegs by Nelson Minar

This site is in US and contains mpegs of raytraced Hilbert Curve done by Nelson Minar.

Rob's Multimedia Lab

This site is in Illinois US. It is an archive of a lot of mpegs, Anim and Fli animations, and sounds.

Check out the image_storehouse link there too.

The Robotic Systems Technology Branch Movies

This site is at NASA/Johnson Space Center and contains the movies for the current projects by the Automation and Robotics Division (ARD).

The Robotics Video Gallery

This site is in U of Massachusetts US and contains many mpegs for the research done by the Laboratory for Perceptual Robotics.

Also a collection of Robot Demos gathered from various sites can be found.

Rugby Action

This site is maintained at the University of Idaho US. It contains the mpeg of the "The Try" made by Gareth Edwards against the All Blacks in '73.

San Diego Space Physics Demos

This site is at University of California at San Diego US. It is still under construction but contains a Hybrid Simulation mpeg.

San Diego Supercomputing Center mpegs

This site is in San Diego California, US and contains mpegs done at the Center. Right now there are four mpegs.

Satellite Movies from Slovenia

This is a ftp site in Slovenia and contains regularly updated mpeg of Satellite images.

Saturnian Ring Animations

this site is from NASA US and contains Quicktimes and Fli of Saturnian Rings.

Scenary - Bari

This siite is at Bari, Italy and contains AVI's of their city.

Scenary - Cal State Hayward

This site is at Cal State Hayward and maintained by Bill Thibault. It has movies of the scenery from the campus.

Scenary - North Carolina

This site is in US and contains movies of the beaches of the Masonboro Island.

Science Television Company

This is the homepage for the Science Television Company US. It has movies for the products and books that they produced.

Scott's Flame Animations

This site is at Carnegie Mellon US and contains animations done by Scott Draves.

Sea Surface Temperature Movie

This site is at University of Oregon US.

SeaWiFS Project Ocean Colour Image Archive

This site is the image archive for the NASA's Sea viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor Project. It currently contains a lot of images from their projects and a mpeg of the distribution of planet life as derived from space.

The SHASTRA Collaborative Modelling and Visualization Environment

This site is at the Purdue University US. It contains toolkits and many animations of their research in mpeg, SGI movie and Quicktime formats.

Shoemaker-Levy 9 Collision with Jupiter

This site is in Arizona US and is the homepage for the comet's collision with Jupiter.

Here is another site in Netherlands


This is the Showcase page of SIGGRAPH ( ACM's Special Intrest Group } at uiuc. It contains movies on their showcase applications in:

Silicon Graphics Movie Theater

This site is in US and maintained by the Silicon Graphics company. The page so far has Quicktime movies, SIRDs, and also has links to the SGI homepage.

Simulation of C60-C240 collisions

This site is at the Michigan State University US and contains mpegs on the collision dynamics between a C60 and C240 cluster at different initial kinetic energies.

Simulation of Fire by EMBYR

This site is in Tennessee US and run by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Environmental Sciences Division. It contains movies on simulations of forest fires generated from the EMBYR simulation model.

SIRD Videos

This site is in Kentucky US and contains videos of ASIRDs.

Visualization Software

This site is in Colorado US and conatins many Visualization software such as AVS. It is maintained by the Software Support Lab at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Southern California Real-time Traffic Report

This site is in California and contains real-time traffic reports by the California Department of Transportation.

StarTrek Movies

This site is at Berkeley US and contains movie clips from the StarTrek movies and TV shows.


is another Trek site with two mpegs.

Student Movies from Hayward

This site is at California State University at Hayward and contains mpeg animations done by the students.

Film segments from Svingen 10, Norway

This site is at Svingen 10, N-1671 Krσker°y, Norway. It currently contains 8 quicktimes and mpegs of various film experiments.

Syracuse University Graphics for the Arts

This site is at Syracuse US and it is a starting point for the Internet Art experiments. It also has a quicktime movie of their logo on the page.

Solar Spin-down Animation

This site is maintained at The Nation Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder Colorado US and contains a mpeg of the Sun's Internal Rotation and Magnetic Field.

SVA Lab at VA Tech

This site is in Virginia US and is the homepage of the Scientific Visual Analysis Lab. It has movies on their research areas in:

TANGO Movies

This site is in Switzerland. It has a lot of information on Tango and contains many Tango movies in mpeg and quicktime formats.

TNS Technology Demonstrations

This site is at MIT US. It contains demonstrations of the VuSystem developed by members of MIT's Telemedia, Networks, and Systems group. These demonstrations include live cable and satellite broadcasts as well as digitized movie segments. An excellent demo to check out if you have a relatively fast connection with MIT.

Tori Amos Videos

This site is at MIT US and contains links to sites where Tori Amos Videos are located.

USC Quicktime Archive

This site is at University of South Carolina US and contains short clips of some movies.

The University of Manchester CGU Movies

This site is in Manchester UK and contains mpegs done by the Computer Graphics Unit using AVS and NURBS.

The University of Minnesota Supercomputer Projects

This site is in Minnesota US and currently has some mpegs on their projects.

University Of Toronto Dynamic Graphics Project

This site is in Canada and contains mpegs done by the Dynamic Graphics Project.

Virology Movies

This site is at the University of Wisconsin. It contains many animations of viruses done by the Institute for Molecular Virology.

Virtual Flyshop

This site is in Canada and contains some fishing movies.

The Virtual Reality Theater

This site is at UIUC US and operated by the Electronic Visualization Lab at UIC. It contains movies in experiential sciences of:

Wake Forest University's Reynolda Campus

This site is at Wake Forest University and contains movies of their campus.

Weather World Images and Animations

This site is at UIUC US and contains updated Images and Animations of

Weather maps and movies

This site is at Michigan State University US. It gathers weather and IR images from various sites and creates a mpeg movie eight times a day.

Irish Weather maps and movies

This site is in Ireland and contains current weather jpegs and mpegs.

Weather Animations from U Michigan

This site is at University of Michigan and has quicktime animations.


This site is at Trinity College, Ireland. It is the homepage for rec.windsurfing and currently contains a cool windsurfing clip.

WSU Animations

This site is at the Washington State University and contains animations done by their School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Xavier Demos

This site is at CMU and maintained by the Learning Robot Laboratory. It contains demo mpegs of Xavier.

Xanim FLIs

This site is in US and contains FLIs as well as pointers to FLI sites across the Web.

Yoshiaki Araki's Home Page

This site is in Japan and contains movies on computer generated art.

Thant Nyo