iExalt Electronic Publishing
Exporting Scripture and Commentaries
WORDsearch makes it easy to copy any list of verses to your word processor. You can choose which translation, including any number of commentaries as well. WORDsearch exporting retains all formatting supported by your word processor - including red letters!

WORDsearch works with practically any Windows word processor. Plus, with ZIPscript, you can paste verses into ANY program without even opening WORDsearch.

Click on any item below to see another WORDsearch Screen Shot.

Parallel Bible Translations WORDsearch Commentary  WORDsearch Dictionary 
Greek/Hebrew Dictionary  Looking up Scripture  WORDsearch Topical Database 
Map - Paul's Journey to Rome  Map - Jonah's Journey  Map - Jesus' Trials 
Map - Solomon's Temple  Map - Jesus in Galilee  Personal Commentary 
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This page last updated Friday, April 28, 2000.