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_arg_chk                 argument check
ARGC                     command arguments
ARGI                     command arguments
ARGV                     command arguments
CYCLE_COUNT              Count of cycle statement
DEGREES                  degree flag
ENVIRON                  Environment strings
FALSE                    false
FILENAME                 file name
FNR                      Record Number
FS                       Field Separator
LONGEST_EXP              Longest Expression
MAX_CYCLE                Max count of cycle statement
NF                       Field Count
NG                       expression count
NR                       Record Count
OFMT                     Output Format
OFS                      Field Separator
ORS                      Record Separator
RETAIN_FS                Field Separator
RS                       Record Separator
TRACE                    Statement Trace
TRANS_FROM               String Translation
TRANS_TO                 String Translation
TRUE                     true
CLENGTH                  Match Length
CSTART                   Match Start
MLENGTH                  Match Length
MSTART                   Match Start
RLENGTH                  Match Length
RSTART                   Match Start
vargc                    Variable Arguments
vargv                    Variable Arguments

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson