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Operation               Operator        Associativity
grouping                ()              left to right
array subscripting      []              left to right
field                   $               left to right
tag                     $$              left to right
logical negation (NOT)  !               left to right
one's complement        ~               left to right
increment/decrement     ++ --           right to left
unary plus/minus        + -             left to right
exponentiation          ^               right to left
multiply, divide,                     
  remainder             * / %           left to right
binary plus/minus       + -             left to right
concatenation           [.]             left to right
shift left/right        << >>           left to right
relational              < <= > >=       left to right
equality                == !=           left to right
matching                ~~ !~           left to right
array membership        in              left to right
bit-wise AND            &               left to right
bit-wise XOR            @               left to right
bit-wise OR             |               left to right
logical AND             &&              left to right
logical OR              ||              left to right
conditional             ? :             right to left
assignment              =               right to left
assignment              = ^= *= /= %= 
                        += -= &= @= |=
                        <<= >>= .=       right to left
sequence                ,               left to right

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson