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++                       Increment Operator (postfix and prefix)

 lvalue++                postfix increment
 ++lvalue                prefix increment
   lvalue                any variable of type int, float, char, enum,
                           or related type

    The unary postfix operator ++ increments (adds one to) lvalue after the
    expression containing lvalue has been evaluated.  For example:

             j = 10; i = 5 * j++; # i == 50, j == 11

    The unary prefix  operator ++ increments  lvalue before the  expression
    containing lvalue has been evaluated.  For example:

             j = 10; i = 5 * ++j;  # i == 55, j == 11

--                       Decrement Operator (prefix and postfix)

 value--                 postfix decrement
 --value                 prefix decrement
   value                 any variable of type int, float, char, enum,
                           or related type

    The unary postfix operator --  decrements (subtracts one from )  lvalue
    after  the  expression  containing  lvalue  has  been  evaluated.   For

             j = 10; i = 5 * j--; # i == 50, j == 9

    The unary prefix  operator -- decrements  lvalue before the  expression
    containing lvalue has been evaluated.  For example:

             j = 10; i = 5 * --j;  # i == 45, j == 9

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson