Name of SiteWind River





Install SNiFF+J

SNiFF+ uses it's own installation script. Use the following command to start the installation:

csh ./install.kit

After successful installation the following variables need to be set, where <sniff_directory> is the root of the directory structure created during your installation of SNiFF+:

setenv SNIFF_DIR <sniff_directory> (for csh)
SNIFF_DIR=<sniff_directory>; export SNIFF_DIR (for sh or ksh)

set path = (<sniff_directory>/bin $path (for csh)
PATH=<sniff_directory>/bin:$PATH; export PATH (for sh or ksh)

You can find more detailed installation instructions on our web site.

Use the following command to start SNiFF+:


This package contains a Demo license that allows you to use SNiFF+ with projects containing up to 200 files, however remote compile and debug is not possible in this mode. If you want to evaluate SNiFF+ for larger projects, you are required to have an evaluation license. You can request an evaluation license on our license request page.

The complete SNiFF+ product package can be obtained on CD via e-mail or at our website at

Click below for automatic installation.

Install the demo software.