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Sites which contain the word poets

The Aboriginal Poetry Bibliography
The Academy of American Poets
The Alsop Review
Atlantic Monthly Poetry Pages
British Poetry 1780-1910: A Hypertext Archive of Scholarly Editions
Dead Poets Society
Epistrophy: The Jazz Literature Archive
Famous Poets
Hyperbibliography to American Poetry
An Index of Web Sites on Modernism
Interactive Textbook of PFP 96
The Internet Poetry Archive
The Irish Poetry Page
Learning About Poetry
Lost Poets of the Great War
Modern and Contemporary American Poetry
Napier University Library: War Poets Collection
Poésie Française
Poet's Park
Poetry Archives, The
Poetry Lover's Page
Project Bartleby
The Shiki Internet Haiku Salon
Le site de poésie de Marie
Tangerine: Poetry Site Extraordinaire
Twentieth-Century Poetry in English
The Wyoming Companion: Cowboy Poetry and Poets