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Grade Level 11

D-Day 1944
D. H. Lawrence
The Daily News
The Daily Planet
Dante Alighieri on the Web
Dartmouth's General Chemistry Study Guide
Date and Time Gateway
Dave's Geometric Pix Gallery
Dave's Math Tables
Dave's Storm and Lightning Page
David Mamet
Dazhdbog's Grandchildren
De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
De Vacaciones en Buenos Aires
Dead Poets Society
Deborah Adams
Deciphering Old Handwriting
A la Découverte de Tintin
Deformed Frogs
Democracy in America
The Democratic Party Online
Dennis Kunkel's Microscopy
Des Mots (Façon de parler)
Destination Vaucluse Provence
Destination: Himalayas Where Earth Meets Sky
Diamond Cutters
The Diary Project: Kids' Diary Entries from Around the World
Dibaajimowinan idash Aadizookaanag (Traditional and True Native American Stories)
Diccionario Anaya de la Lengua
The Dickens Page
Dictionary of Literary Terms
Dictionnaire des Citations
Diego Rivera Web Museum
The Digital Classroom
Digital Education Network MathDen
Digital Education Network Home Page
Dinosauria On-Line
Directory of Ancient Egyptian Gods
Directory of Russian Periodicals Online
Discover Magazine
Discoverer's Web
The Discovery Center of Science and Technology
The Discovery of the Electron
Disneyland Paris
Distinguished Women Past and Present
Division of Rhetoric and Composition
DNA (Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace)
Documenting the American South
Domestic Terrorism Page
The Dominican Republic Homepage
The Donner Party
Doris Lessing: A Retrospective
Douglass: Archives of American Public Address
Dr. Rix Spanish Pig Latin Page
Dr. Rix Spanish Trix
Le Droit (Ottawa, Canada)
Dylan Thomas