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Rita Dove Page
Roald Dahl Home Page, The
The Robert Graves Society Information Centre
Roberto Lorenz: Flamenco Page
Rock the Vote
Ron's On-line ESOL Classroom
Russia on the Web
Russia Today
Russian History
Russian Literature
Saigon.com: The Refugee Experience
El Salvador
Samuel Beckett
Samuel Johnson
Schauwecker's Guide to Japan
Science and the Environment
Science Education Gateway
Science Fiction Resource Guide
Science for the Millennium
Science Learning Network
ScienceDaily Magazine
Scott's Botanical Links
Scottish Literature at the University of South Carolina
Sea and Sky
Shakespeare Classroom, The
Sherlockian Holmepage
The Shiki Internet Haiku Salon
Sí, Spain
Silent Movies
SIRS: The Knowledge Source: Arts and Humanities
Snagged Links: On Modern World Drama
Solstice: Sustainable Energy and Development Online
South Asian American Literature
Spain and Spanish on the Net
The Spanish Homepage
Spanish Language Resources
Spanish Language, Spain, and Spanish America
More Indexes and Resource Lists sites.