-The Tamers
-The Digimon
-The Tamers
-The Digimon
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Fan Creations
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Updates and News

Sunday, April 29, 2001 | Posted by:DarkAngemon
All the Pages are Up: YAY!!! I met my goal of having everything up by tomorrow!! If you go to the card scans, I have pix of the digimon from rookies to ultimate AND Guilmon's mega, Dukemon. I also won my 1st award so be sure to check that out in the view awards section!!!I also put up info and a picture of Yamaki, another "bad guy"
Friday, April 29, 2001 | Posted by:DarkAngemon
Got More Sections Up: Ok i got almost all of the pages up now. Here is a list of pages that AREN'T up yet:
-Items Pictures
-Card Scans
-Toy Pictures
Those pages will be up VERY soon ^_^
Saturday, April 28, 2001 | Posted by:DarkAngemon
Last Update for Today: Last update for today. I got all of hte sections up except for all but the official pictures, the story, and fan-art so enjoy ^_^
Saturday, April 28, 2001 | Posted by:DarkAngemon
Section Up: I got a few of the sections up. Those sections are all of the basics EXCEPT story and the Official Pictures. I will get more sections up maybe later today or early tomorrow!
Friday, April 27, 2001 | Posted by:DarkAngemon
Fixed Some "Small" Mistakes: I made some really stupid mistakes while writing the HTML for this page but that's all fixed and i noticed that the top image was more purple than blue so i fixed that ^_^ Now, many of you may have noticed that none of the links work. That's becuase I haven't made those pages YET. I will wake up tomorrow and get as many as i can done and do the same on Sunday too so HOPEFULLY everything will be running by Monday. I'm really excited about that. Oh yeah, I seem to hve misplaced my list of affiliates -_-;; so If you were one of them please E-MAIL me at oh yeah if you wanna put up some fan-art or fan-fics then E-MAIL me Bye for now ^_^
Friday, April 27, 2001 | Posted by:DarkAngemon
I'm Back ^_^ Ok, you are all probably wondering, "What happened to Digimon Tamers Haven?" Well, now i'm going to tell you. You see, it turns out that sound clips are illegal on the server soooooo the day i put up sound clips, they deleted my site. In addition, the day before that happened, my bakcup disc got erased so i lost my site completely except, ironically, the sound clip that got it deleted -_-; Well, the site has a completely new look now and i hope you all like it!

All images, layouts, contents of the site are part of Digimon Tamers Haven. Any parts of this site may not be reproduced without permission. ⌐Digimon Tamers Haven, 2001-2002.
Hot Sheet
-Digimon Tamers Episode Guide

-Digimon Tamers Screenshots

Wizardmon's Digimon Domain
Hosted By
Digital Hyper Dimension
