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The New Kid

Takato was walking through the park looking for Gillmon when he saw a giant DarkLizamon. "Oh no I need Gillmon to beat him." "Takato!" Ruki and Lee ran towards him. "We can't find our digimon! We think DarkLizamon has something to do with this." "What the hack is that!" Neo yelled. "Oh no he saw the digimon." "Dread Fire!" The digimon shot at Lee. "Terriermon Digivolve to Gargomon. Gatling Arm!" He deflected the dread fire attack to hit a computer store. "Come on, don't weaken up now! Digivolve to Ultimate!" "Help me Lee." He faded away. Neo's sketch book started to shine a gold light. "Picture Digivolve to Goliathdramon." "What Another Digimon?" Ruki yelled. "Hi Neo." "Oh my god another monster!" "Hi Neo I'm the picture you drew of your perfect Digimon. I was named by Jet, Gennai's cousin. Your great, great, great, great, great, great granfather was T.k who saved the digital world from Devimon, The Dark Masters, Apoclamon, The Digimon Emporer, and many other evil forces. His digimon was Patamon, my ancestor. With my Goliath Punch I'll deleteall evil rookie and lower level digimon." "Dread Fire." "Neo take this it's your D-Arc!" Neo's D-Arc made a gate and Rapidmon came out. "Rapid Fire!" He deleted DarkLizamon and was sucked back through the gate. Neo's laptop fell open and a digiport was on the screen. "Digiport open?" Neo read. He was sucked into the digital world. "Hay let's follow him," Takato said. "What happened to the digital world," Lee asked. "Every thing's out of whack," Ruki answered. "The Destiny Stones have been destroyed. Most of them anyway." Neo said. "How do you know?" "My heart is connected to the Digital World. My mom's side and I all have this connection since T.k's digimon, Patamon, became a Mega digimon." Neo said. "Oh," Takato said in low voice. "Your digimon are okay but the unbalanced digital harmony caused them to be zapped back heer." "Hay Lee!" "Takato I'm right hear!" "Ruki I missed you!" "These D-chips Jet gave me should let you stay in the real world," Goliathdramon said. "At least until get overloaded. So if you want to stay in our reality don't Warp Digivolve to Mega." "You guy's we have to stop the destiny stones from being destroyed. We have to find out who's doing it and kill them," Takato said. "Agreed but until Goliathdramon figures out how to digivolve to the champion level we're useless. But for now Digiport Open!"
Next Time: Digimon attack Japan and Goliathdramon must digivovle for the victory.

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