Microsoft NT Server

Windows NT Server

Microsoft Support Online
Updated daily, the Microsoft Knowledge Base provides a searchable database with answers to technical problems - the same database our technical support engineers use. The Software Library contains drivers, fixes and service packs to download and a list of Frequently Asked Questions on common problems.
Enterprise Support with Mission-Critical Services
Microsoft and its strategic partners are committed to providing the level of service and support that companies need to successfully implement mission-critical business systems using Microsoft BackOffice products. Including Server-Down Support, Technical Issue Resolution, Quick Fix Engineering and global support that insures that your techincal problem will be resolved in the shortest possible time.
Microsoft Windows NT 3.51 Hardware Compatibility List: October 1995 Includes previous versions for 3.5 Microsoft Windows NT Resource Kit
Microsoft Windows NT Server Cluster StrategyUnderstanding Windows NT Server Remote Access Services
Understanding Windows NT Services for the MacintoshDynamic Host Configuration Protocol and Windows Internet Naming Service
Integration of DHCP & WINS into a Novell Netware EnvironmentTCP/IP Implementation Details
Windows NT from a Unix Point of View For more information on Windows NT Server try the Reading Room
Case studies, magazines, technical whitepapers, journals, and Microsoft Press books covering the Microsoft BackOffice family of products
Microsoft and the Distributed Computing EnvironmentGetting Real Advantage from Networking Technology
Directory ServicesProtocols
Reliability and Fault ToleranceSecurity
Scalability Windows NT Server 3.51 FTP Server Update
Download the Enterprise Support Quick Fix for accessing the FTP server from a SAMBA client

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