Microsoft SNA Server

Microsoft SNA Server - Evaluation Tools

SNA Server 2.11 Reviewer's Guide
A comprehensive guide for evaluating Microsoft SNA Server as the reliable platform for PC-to-Host connectivity.
SNA Server 2.11 Demo Script Guide
Evaluate SNA Server off-line, using the new 2.11-provided SDLC demo link service (no live host required).
Case Studies
Check out the technical case studies from Microsoft customers documenting how the implementation of Microsoft SNA Server solved mission critical business needs.
American Standard World Wide Plumbing Products Sector
Baxter Healthcare
Callahan Enterprises, Inc.
Davis Wire
Deaconess Health Systems Corporation
State of Iowa
Microsoft SNA Server 2.11 earns PC Magazine Network Edition Editors' Choice
PC Magazine says Microsoft SNA Server's "got everything you're looking for in a critical business-focused AS/400 connectivity product." Check out the August 1995 issue of PC Magazine Network Edition for a comprehensive review of SNA Server version 2.11.

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