
Turning Places into People

Learning Beyond the Classroom


AFS in China

AFS in Africa

AFS in East and Central Europe

The Educational Community


Over US $2 million is contributed each year by corporations offering fully funded scholarships to allow their employees’ children to participate in AFS. Increasingly, companies are using our global network to offer the program in all countries where they and we do business, bringing benefits to some of the smaller AFS organizations.

In a joint effort between AFS and EFIL (the European Federation for Intercultural Learning), funding of approximately US $150,000 was granted by the European Union under the European Voluntary Service (EVS) scheme. These funds will allow AFS to send 27 Community Service Program participants from Europe to projects in Brazil, Guatemala, Paraguay and Peru.

Whoever our donors are
- individuals,
farsighted governments, generous foundations or community-minded corporations - their contributions are highly valued and important to us.


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