Updated March 1995

uk nature

BBONT - the Wildlife Trust for Berkshire, Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire

3 Church Cowley Road,
Rose Hill,

Tel: 01865 775476
Fax: 01865 711301

BBONT is the Wildlife Trust for the area covering Buckinghamshire, Berkshire and Oxfordshire. They now have their own Web site run by RA at aa. Please check their for the latest information.

Membership Details:
Minimum Yearly Subscription (but please give more if you can)

Individual ú16

Family ú24

Family and Wildlife WATCH (up to 4 children under 18) ú30

Groups (schools, clubs etc) ú30

Payment can be made by Banker's Order and you can take out a Deed of Covenant to allow BBONT to claim back income tax. Send your name and address to BBONT for an application form.

Forthcoming Events

Information on Nature Reserves

The BBONT guide to Nature Reserves in the Bucks, Berks, Oxon area is called 'Where to go for Wildlife' and is reviewed in the Books section of the Media Page. It is available free when you sign a Banker's Order for BBONT membership.

European Nature Conservation Year, ENCY 95

Adoption Shemes

Adopt a Wood: In the last 30 years we have destroyed more of our ancient woodlands than any equivalent period in modern history - England now has less than 2% of its original woodlands left.

The scattered fragments of our once majestic forests remain under threat. Development, conifer plantation and sheer neglect continue to exact their toll, with terrible consequences for the species they support.

The once common dormouse is declining, as is the nightingale. The much loved badger lives under constant threat from development and vicious baiters. The pearl-bordered fritillary butterfly was common at the turn of the century in our 3 counties. It is now found in just one wood. Even the well loved primrose will disappear if our woodlands are not saved.

If you care about our woodland and their wildlife the time has come to act.

For just ú8 a month (ú96 a year) you can protect an acre of ancient woodland in a BBONT reserve near you.

The choice of woodland is: Foxholes (158 acres SSSI), Baynes Reserve (140 acres SSSI), Little Linford (105 acres SSSI), Warburg Reserve (257 acres SSSI), Finmere Wood, Rushbeds Wood, Sydling's Copse, Millfield Wood, Whitecross Green and Moor Copse.

For more information please contact BBONT.

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