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Our say...

The major museums in the Australian capital cities all have exhibitions of aspects of Aboriginal culture. There are also Aboriginal-run cultural centres such as
Tandanya in Adelaide. These can provide good introductory experiences. Books and other resources for this are also provided elsewhere at this Web site.

Aboriginal art and craft centres
In many rural towns there are Aboriginal art and craft centres, galleries, cultural centres and similar where one can meet Aboriginal people (For example
Alice Springs, Darwin, Cairns, Shepparton, Rockhampton and Port Augusta). Many of the cultural and eco-tourism ventures utilise Aboriginal guides.

Some Aboriginal communities now have their own Web pages. These often include information about the community and images of people, places and activities there.

Visiting communities
As to
visiting communities, Aboriginal people are sensitive to having their homes being considered 'living zoos'. They thus guard their privacy jealously. As with any remote, closely knit community, new arrivals often have a big and not always positive effect. Despite having the best of intentions and an eagerness to respect and to learn about Aboriginal culture, strangers are often not encouraged or welcomed. Most communities require permits for visiting. These are obtained by applying in writing to community councils. In many areas, permits are also required from regional councils. Some remote communities, eg, Uluru and Kakadu for instance, have locally-run and operated cultural centres specifically for visitors to the regions. These provide good opportunities to meet locals and to learn in a minimally disruptive way.

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Others say...
This site is dedicated to creating discussion about Aboriginal Australia. Please view what others have said about this topic below, or
return to the Q&A section to view another topic. For more information, refer to our shop section for titles relating to this topic.

Authors name/date (no of respondents)

Chad 07/3/100 (0)

Chad 07/3/100 (0)

Kristy Hill 14/2/00 (0)

Kristy Hill 14/2/00 (0)

Bruce 11/1/00 (1)

Audun Eriksen 24/11/99 (1)

question about traditional costume
Masha Marjanovich 17/11/99 (1)

Anita Heiss' "Preamble"
Barbara Dufty 20/10/99 (1)

Anita Heiss' "Preamble"
Barbara Dufty 20/10/99 (0)

a question
judi eggers 12/10/99 (2)

kellie smith 11/9/99 (2)

History in Bribane & Moreton Bay before the white man.
Angela Nowland 22/7/99 (1)

Thank you
Rachel Griffiths 16/6/99 (1)

word meaning
sophie 08/6/99 (1)

Aboriginal culture in SE Qld
shameema 15/4/99 (1)

Paulina Phillips 28/3/99 (1)

aboriginal life
Dixie Dahl 21/3/99 (6)

Doris 17/1/99 (1)

learning more
Andrew O'Loughlin 16/1/99 (1)

Gerri Buckley 14/1/99 (1)

Learning more and Getting in Touch
Fiona Lovelock 11/12/98 (1)

Aboriginal Political Performance
Nadine 04/12/98 (7)

Lerning more
Adam 30/11/98 (2)

melissa devito 03/10/98 (1)

cultural issues for Aboriginal people with developmental disabilities
sheryl woolnough 14/9/98 (3)

Cindy Cartwright 01/9/98 (1)

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