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Cool Stuff Zone

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What do you do when you have a bunch of really cool sites that don't fall neatly into some kind of category? Well, you group these eclectic sites into one category, rack your brain for a really eloquent name - then you give up and just call it "cool stuff."

We've Got Jokes!!

Jokes Jokes Jokes!You wanna laugh? Check out the brand spakin' new Cool Site of the Day Joke Database, courtesy of! We've got jokes about sex, computers, rednecks... you name it, we've got it! You can browse through the database by category, have a new joke delivered to you each day, submit your own joke... the possibilities are endless!! Check it out!

Need A Good Laugh??

Click here to check out a hilarious cartoon courtesy of Jib Jab and Cool Site of the Day! - Get a Clue!
Look up:
- just what it sounds like! Use the search box at right to get the definition of any word. I've always wondered: if you looked up "redundant" in the dictionary, does it say "see redundant ?" I found out, but hell if I am going to tell you. You're going to have to check for yourself... - Surfing Made Simple!

ETourPssssst!  Sometimes we find the Cool Site of the Day from our eTour startup page. is a free Web surfing guide that brings great sites right to you.  You plug in your preferences, make eTour your startup page and every day you're greeted with a new and interesting site!  And BTW, their sites are picked out for members by real people, and their computers are real people, dressed in little computer outfits. OK, maybe not. But you get the point. 

Flooz - The Ultimate Gift!!

FloozFlooz is the online gift currency you can send instantly by e-mail for any occasion. It can be redeemed at dozens of online stores, like Godiva Chocolatier, and more. Know that cousin that you don't really like and, thus, don't know what to get for the holidays? Flooz is the thing!! Send some Flooz now!

Wookin' Pa Nub?

One & Only Personals

We believe Buckwheat put it best. If you've been "Wookin' pa nub in awl da wong paces," go to One & Only Internet Personals and start your search afresh. Sweaty palms, a racing heart, a quiver in the voice... if you haven't got that feeling, then you haven't met the right person yet. That, or you might be having a stroke, which is definitely something you do not want to go through alone.  Place a free ad, browse the ads of others, and get introduced to the most interesting people on the planet. 

The Cool Stuff Links...

Centre for the Easily Amused - Would you rather search for Waldo than enlightenment? It's fun up the wazoo!

Four Aces Casino - The most realistic online casino experience. Play for free or make a wager.

Ebay - Auction Mania! - your personal trading community

The Archive of Misheard Lyrics - hilarious versions that you yourself may have sung - who do you want to fork today?

The Free Site - home of the web's best freebies

Hammacher Schlemmer - luxury shopping online

The Sharper Image - high-tech to the max

Headball - smack some heads around to get rid of tension

Jar-Jargonizer - Plug a URL into the box and hear it in Jar-Jargon

Hebrew Beer - after you've smacked those heads around, kick back with a cool one from the Shmalz Brewing Company

Dan Gibson's Gibbleguts - anything but normal (get free Gibbleguts daily cartoons for your web site here)

International Lyrics Server - when you can't get that song out of your head

Uproar - online entertainment for really smart people

WhoWhere - Find Anyone - the way to find people on the web

ALICE - Chat with ALICE the chatterbot

Year 2000 - from the author of Time Bomb 2000

Look Up Anything - your virtual reference desk

TIRAMISU Cartoons - A day without cartoons is like, um... *work*!

Chickenhead - I can't describe this site -- just go there.

The Site With No Name - Where else can you smack Britney Spears on the butt with a fish or have a seagull poop on Pamela Anderson? - Home of the frog in the blender, gerbil in the microwave, and lots more.  Great fun for the immature and immature at heart.

New Grounds - It's tasteless!  It's brilliant!  I'm so jealous it's not mine.

Rock School - Learn to be a rock star or roadie in the privacy of your own home.

William Shatner Acting Simulator - The most advanced Shatner Simulator to date!

Tacky Postcard Archive - Preserving bad taste for future generations - send a tacky postcard by e-mail.

This is True - funny but true news stories by e-mail, featuring Randy Cassingham's wry commentary

Lordco - E-nail cards, virtual confession, Moses condoms, and more tastelessness than you can shake a collection plate at.

Mark's Apology Note Generator - A simple form for all your butt-kissing needs

MP3K - Make beautiful music with this shockwave synthesizer

The FNWire - Business and Technology News Satire

Dumbentia: The Parody Palace - The best parodies we've seen online

Smallboy Stuff - An absolute realm of creativity that shouldn't be missed


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