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The Japanese house

There are two kind of toilets in Japan: the Japanese style toilet and the western style toilet.

The image on the left shows the Japanese style toilet. In order to use it one has to get into a low position and keep the balance which may be difficult for some foreigners. The Japanese toilet is essentially the more hygienic one since the user does not get in touch with it.

Japanese styles can be found on most public toilets. Toilet paper is not always provided there, and it is recommended to always carry a small package of tissues with you.

Western style toilets can be found more and more on public toilets especially in the tourist areas. Sometimes the two toilet styles exist side by side.
The toilets in new built private houses are usually western style toilets. Many of them offer many luxury gadgets like heated seats or small built-in showers.

When entering the washroom in a private house, you are supposed to change into special toilet slippers. Don't forget to change the slippers again afterwards.


  • Tokyo Toilet Map
    The Japanese version offers a much longer list of toilets in the Tokyo area with pictures and evaluations for every toilet.
February 4, 1998
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