
What's a Boojum?
Who's a Boojum?
1997 Expeditions
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General Clothing and Gear List

Dress is very informal, basic knockabout and camping clothes are your best bet. Chinese and Mongolian sensibilities and common sense as a traveler and guest, dictate a degree of modesty in the cut and color of the clothing you wear. Hotel laundry services are available (and expensive)in Beijing and Ulaan Bataar but you will need to bring two or three changes of clothing for the horseback portion of the trip.
This basic list will be entirely adequate for the demands of our horseback treks. There are a few specialized items required for kayaking and rafting trips which are included in the trip packets. Weather in Mongolia and the riding areas of Tibet and Xinjiang will be in the 60's and 70's during the day, but nights will be cold. Beijing will be hot and humid.

- Sleeping bag (four-season, synthetic fill, mummy style)
- Ensolite pad or Thermorest inflatable pad (for ground insulation)
- 1 pair walking shorts
- 2 pair jeans or riding pants
- 4 shirts or t-shirts (one long-sleeved)
- 4 sets underwear
- 1 pair warm, water repellant gloves
- 1 warm cap or hat, wool or pile
- 5 pair socks (2 pair should be wool and knee-high for riding)
- 2 bandanas or scarves
- Women: Jogbra or other suitable sporty support
- Comfortable footwear for city and village walking (sturdy walking shoes or tennis shoes or lightweight hiking boots well broken in)
- Riding boots, well broken in (western or english) OR half chaps to wear with walking/hiking shoes
- GOOD RAINGEAR: parka and rainpants or chaps (NO PONCHOS!) This is a critical item for your comfort and safety. Do NOT skimp: bring quality, durable raingear.
- Long underwear for cold nights (polypropelene or capilene)
- Wool sweater, wool shirt or pile/polypropelen sweater
- Pile jacket or down vest (something for warmth)
- one piece bathing suit
- sun hat or visor
- sturdy daypack or fannypack (preferred for comfort while riding)
- minimum 1 liter water bottle (leather bota bags work great for riding)
- camera with plenty of film
- flashlight with EXTRA batteries
- sunglasses
- extra glasses or contacts for those who wear them
- sunscreen
- personal hygiene items including basic cold medicine, aspirin, etc.
- camp mug (insulated, tough plastic is best)
- 25 feet of nylon parachute cord( you can never have too much)
- insect repellent (concentrated)
- pocket knife
- biodegradable soap or Campsuds
- lightweight snacks like granola bars, fruit bark, trail mix, nuts, tea bags that you can't start the day without.
- vitamins
- toliet paper
- small luggage padlocks (required on some airlines)
- small hand towel and washcloth
Small binoculars, travel alarm clock, journal and pen, extra baggage tags.

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