Different Translations, Different Reading Experiences?

Many of Astrid Lindgren's works have been translated into over 50 different languages. How does each translation correspond to the original version and each other?

There are two different English translations, one published by British publishers, the other one published by North American publishers. For instance, Mardie's Adventure (British version) and Mischievous Meg (American version) differ in many important details:

(The following examples were researched and presented by Karin Elfsberg)

The French version of Pippi Longstocking also differs from the original:

(The following has been researched and reported by Christin Gahnström)

The above examples and more are also discussed by Eva-Maria Metcalf in her book on Astrid Lindgren (for more information on this book, please refer to the references page). For instance,

There are many more such examples, we think! If you have an interesting one, e-mail me!
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