witness statement

name: Rosemary Lovatt
section: Employment
for: The Defence
experience: Principal Child Employment Officer ILEA, 1973 - 1990


The witness gives details on the abolition of ILEA, upon which time files concerning pupils were passed to successor authorities, and files on employers were destroyed. The witness states however that McDonalds had given assurances that employment regulations were being complied with and 'further infringements would not be tolerated'.


I was employed by the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) from 1973 until it was abolished in 1990, appointed Principal Child Employment Officer, April 1987, held that post until it was merged with another post in October 1989.

Full cv:
(not available for this witness)

full statement:


I was employed by the Inner London Education Authority (ILEA) from 1973 until it was abolished in 1990. In April 1987 I was appointed Principal Child Employment Officer, and held that post until it was merged with another post in October 1989.

Visits To McDonalds

Between those dates a member of my staff made a routine visit to McDonalds in Kensington High Street. Her report stated that the manager had assured her that the employment regulations were being complied with, and gave her a copy of an internal memo from the head office of McDonalds, which indicated that further infringements of the regulations would not be tolerated.

The Officer brought the copy of the memo with her report to me, which I saw, read and retained in a file.

On the abolition of ILEA, files concerning pupils were passed to successor authorities, and files on employers were destroyed.

date signed: December 2, 1993
status: Read out in court
references: Not applicable/ available

exhibits: Not applicable/ available

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