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Just a Line

  • The trial ends... - Les. Hayward, U.K., June 19 1997 (1)
  • Sloppy Service and Inferior Hamburgers - H. Galloway, United States, June 18 1997 (0)
  • help on transcripts - paul Hilton, Hmmm, England, June 17 1997 (0)
  • Bought a partially eaten burger!!!! - Rob Wilson, USA, June 12 1997 (1)
  • C4 documentary - Peter, Ireland, June 09 1997 (0)
  • Macca's just doesn't taste nice.... - Julie , Australia, June 09 1997 (2)
  • McLibel - Burger Culture on Trial, by John Vidal - Robert Alcock, University College Dublin, Ireland, May 30 1997 (1)
  • Comment Invited - McLibel Lessons - Business Article - Allan Toombs, Escritoire, UK, May 24 1997 (2)
  • Comment Invited - McLibel Lessons - Business Article - Allan Toombs, Escritoire, UK, May 24 1997 (0)
  • Video of C4 McLibel programme wanted desperately - Jon Massey, United Kingdom, May 22 1997 (0)
  • Conditions for McD win? - Neil Fitzgerald, UK, May 20 1997 (3)
  • Article - International Herald Tribune 20 May '97 - Ian, FRANCE, May 20 1997 (0)
  • Advertising and Libel - Michael Fitzpatrick, UK, May 20 1997 (1)
  • McLibel! show biased - TOWARDS MCD'S - Steven Illich, UK, May 19 1997 (0)
  • What are the governing bodies doing? - Joshua Kainth, England, May 19 1997 (1)
  • OI ! Mc DONALDS. NO! - Eddie, UK, May 19 1997 (0)
  • C4 Drama / Documentary - Mike J., UK, May 19 1997 (0)
  • I can't believe I wanted to work for them!! - Ben, Yorkshire UK, May 19 1997 (0)
  • Well done C4 - rigsby, England, May 19 1997 (4)
  • C4 Programme - Ian, UK, May 19 1997 (4)
  • MacDonald (Beefheart) - innes, Scotland, May 19 1997 (2)
  • Who reckons McDonald's are going to sue then? - Jessica Jones, UK, May 19 1997 (2)
  • Channel Four Documentary - John, UK, May 18 1997 (0)
  • Channel 4 dramatisation - Camilo Clarkson, Uk, May 18 1997 (0)
  • Has Channel 4 got Dave Morris right? - Simon S, UK, May 18 1997 (2)
  • Channel 4's - Jackie, UK, May 18 1997 (6)
  • A Modest Proposal - John Pollock, London, May 18 1997 (2)
  • Cigarette Advertising - David Howard, Canada, May 06 1997 (0)
  • Survey--please help! - Olivia Leland, Student, Harvard University, USA, May 03 1997 (0)
  • read-me, Gideon - just me again, student, USA, April 27 1997 (1)
  • other fast food reatraunts? - Andrew Merwin, USA, April 21 1997 (2)
  • stop bashing McDonald's, positives outnumber negatives - Melissa Mattox, student, USA, April 18 1997 (2)
  • teenie beenie babies - Fran Dyer, USA, April 18 1997 (1)
  • McLibel verdict. When? - Mathew Harding, LA Brooks Assoc., USA, April 11 1997 (1)
  • McDonald's - Pissed off reader, February 08 1997 (1)
  • have I found you? - OG, Turtle Trotters, USA, February 07 1997 (0)
  • Ronald Mc Donald, dosn't he look like a Nazi? - Benjamin, HEMP- Help End Marijuana Prohibition, The United States of America, February 05 1997 (4)

    Just a Line