- McJobs and Workers -

That's disgusting

Posted by: Cara Russell ( Mike, Joey, and McMom are cool, USA ) on November 13, 1997 at 10:03:42:

In Reply to: McDonalds managers suck posted by Dani on November 11, 1997 at 23:24:28:

: Man, do I totally understand what you guys are talking about.

: I am sixteen and have worked at McDonalds for over eight months now. The majority of managers totally use and abuse us at the McDonalds I work at!!! But McDonalds is the only fast food place around the town (the next closest one is an hour away!!!) So they get away with abusing us, the customers, and ripping off everyone!! They never change the fry vats cause they say it costs to much!! McDonalds Corperation says you are supposed to change them evey 10-15 days we are lucky if we change them once a month!! No matter how much we complain they don't care.

Where in Montana are you? I used to live there. That's disgusting that they only change them once a month. But they filter them every week, right? God, I hope so. Have fun.


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