- Multinationals -

more information about companies selling baby formula

Posted by: Christopher Verdant ( Overcoming Consumerism, usa ) on July 24, 1997 at 21:28:43:

In Reply to: Roundup Ready Soy Baby Formula posted by Christopher Verdant on June 21, 1997 at 07:06:59:

Here's some more information about companies selling baby formula.
Be pleasant, informed and ready to discuss the issue with an employee of the corporation who does not make policy, who only reports the concerns of the public to those who do make the decisions. Be ready to discuss the issue in an informed and pleasant yet concerned manner relating to your future purchase of their products. A few thousand calls like this will get their attention.

Be aware that your phone number and listed name on the phone bill are available to the owners of toll-free numbers.

A letter or postcard will have even more impact than a phone call.

Abbott Laboratories Ross Pediatric's customer service number is:

1-800-227-5767. Don't choose any further options and be ready to listen to classical music and then talk to an underpaid woman answering the phone. Ask to talk to a "product specialist". Ask them if their soy products contain roundup-ready genetically-altered soybeans, that may have been drenched in weedkiller. The company line is that "their products meet all FDA, safety and sterilization requirements" etc.

The mailing address is: Ross Pediatrics, Att. Customer Relations,
625 Cleveland Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215


Mead Johnson (makers of Next Step Soy Formula)
1-800-222-9123, 8 AM-4:30 Central Time.

Mead Johnson Products
customer Resource Center
2400 west Lloyd Expressway
Evansville, In 47721-001

The company line is that "the soybeans are safe and there is no way to segregate them from the non-roundup ready beans" etc.


Carnation ( yes, ugh, Nestle), Follow-Up Soy.
1-800-543-3112, M-F 5 AM-5 PM Pacific Time.

Standard "FDA says it's ok," etc. Ask to leave a comment regarding their products.

Carnation Nutritional Products
800 North Brand Boulevard
Glendale, Ca 91203

: Christopher

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