- Multinationals -

The other concern is Mad Cow disease

Posted by: Mike Bacon ( Bedford, Texas, USA ) on July 09, 1997 at 23:53:17:

In Reply to: Jello posted by Gail McCormack on July 08, 1997 at 10:40:42:

: If you don't wish to eat animal products then everything is wrong with Jello.
If Bill Cosby claims Jello is a vegetarian product, then yes I would put him on my scorn list. The other concern is Mad Cow disease. We don't know for sure how much if any gelatin was made with meat products from England. We are all so smug in thinking that technology will save us. You may think you're doing just fine thank you very much, but maybe you should talk to someone who has had to watch a loved one die of some horrible illness. Would you want your children to eat jello knowing they could end up with some incurable disease later on?

No gelatin is produced from beef that I know of. And hasn't that "Mad
Cow" problem been taken care of? I admit I haven't kept up with that.
It hasn't affected us in the States, anyway.

I think gelatin and all pork products are quite safe. I haven't heard of
any "mad pigs". Flying pigs maybe (Heh! Heh! I just had to put that in,
for the classic rock fans who visit this site.), but not mad.

To close, I don't see any harm in enjoying a Wendy's Pita, or Bill Cosby's
favorite dessert.

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