- Multinationals -

What if your child

Posted by: leroy ( canada ) on July 11, 1997 at 17:56:31:

In Reply to: The other concern is Mad Cow disease posted by Mike Bacon on July 09, 1997 at 23:53:17:

The merits of the health of gelatin seem irrelevant to the complaint of Wendy's gelatin in pitas controversy. The fact remains that a product was promoted as "vegetarian" that was clearly not. What if your child had a peanut allergy and ate a product advertised as "peanut free"?.
People choose to be vegetarians for a number of reasons, including health, animal rights and enviromental. They should not be deceived into eating a product from false advertising. Just a short time ago, a number of school children became ill after eating frozen berries labled as comming from the US (as required by law) that in fact came from south america.

Reports on the rec.veg newsgroup indicate people are also finding bits of chicken in their "veggie" pitas from careless preperation. Sounds like Wendy's should be stayed well away from by vegetarians

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