- Kids -

Are you out of your mind?

Posted by: Mark McKelvey ( NASA, USA ) on March 07, 1997 at 23:58:22:

In Reply to: It is okay to take kids to McDonald's posted by C on November 09, 1996 at 03:05:51:

: It is okay to take your kids to McDonald's. Just remember that
: moderation is the key. Too much of ANYTHING, even water or
: vegetables, can be dangerous. The key is homeostasis. Fat is
: required in a balanced and healthy body for homeostasis.
: So, go ahead, take your kids to McDonald's. Just not too often.

Are you out of your mind? You would feed your offspring that garbage? It is nothing but fat, cholesterol and chemicals. It causes cancer and heart disease, not to mention animal cruelty and environmental destruction. If you feel your kids need more fat, give them olives or an avocado.

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