- Kids -

It is okay to take kids to McDonald's

Posted by: C ( Up North ) on November 09, 1996 at 03:05:51:

Several people have said that McDonald's poisons people with its
greasy food. This is because those people eat McDonald's too

It is okay to take your kids to McDonald's. Just remember that
moderation is the key. Too much of ANYTHING, even water or
vegetables, can be dangerous. The key is homeostasis. Fat is
required in a balanced and healthy body for homeostasis.
Taking the kids to McDonald's once every two weeks is a good
way to keep their bodies in homeostasis. Especially since kids
need energy to grow, and fat is a huge source of energy.

The reason people are obese and suffering from heart problems
is that they are not eating with the thoughts of balance in
their heads. One cannot blame McDonald's if one is overweight.
People have to eat in moderation. They alone are responsible
for obesity if it is caused by consuming too much fat.

Many people say McDonald's food is nothing but pure crap. This
is actually true, but McDonald's makes $30 billion a year in
profit. What does that have to say about McDonald's crap?

So, go ahead, take your kids to McDonald's. Just not too often.

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