- Kids -

Breeds consumerism into them

Posted by: Ekaf Eman ( Australia ) on October 13, 1997 at 13:46:28:

In Reply to: It is okay to take kids to McDonald's posted by C on November 09, 1996 at 03:05:51:

People often think that "its ok to take your kid to Mc donalds just not too often" is a valid statement. But nutrition is not the only issue at hand here. McDonalds is one of those places which help the government "soften the blow" of everyday life by trying to show kids that the world under a capitalist regin is ok and that everyone is smiling etc.

It teaches kids from a young age to CONSUME. The average child in an industrialised country consumes about 12 times that of a child in a third world. McDonalds and other such companies offer kids the "incentive" of toys and goodies and the smiling face of a happy clown. It breeds into them that consumerism isnt just neccasary for the economy to survive but its alot of fun too. These kinds of attitudes are qutie disgusting in relation to our current global situation.

I also noticed that once i had stopped going to McDonalds that things around me became all to clear. It took one a piece of advertising to completely change my mind at age 13. I am now 16 and work hard at trying to aware fellow friends etc to wake up and see what's REALLY going on around them. My escape from McDonald's changed my life. So if kids can finally get off the merry-go-round of consumerism then maybe we CAN solve some more of our global problems.

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