- Capitalism and Alternatives -

No freedom with capitalism

Posted by: Ted ( Troublemakers R Us, Madison, WI, USA ) on August 07, 1997 at 01:07:31:

In Reply to: Socialism/Marxism/Communism: Even in theory they suck! posted by CAP on August 06, 1997 at 21:31:05:

: Capitalism is freedom, everything else is imprisonment.

If you repeat that sentence often enough, you may convince yourself. Some of us aren't so easily swayed. If I'm free, how is it that someone who is referred to as "boss" tells me what time to come in, what time to go home, and what to do in between? If I'm free, how is it that this same person can take away my means of economic support, at any time, for any reason? If I were truly free, I wouldn't be surrounded by people who act like jailers. If I had real freedom, I wouldn't have to relinquish control of my life to corporate landlords and credit bureaus. I wouldn't worry about the system called "fractional reserve banking", and its potential for economic devastation. And I certainly wouldn't have to worry about absorbing carcinogens from unregulated industrial enterprise.

Freedom, under capitalism, means freedom to "gain wealth, forgetting all but self." Contrary to what you may believe, there are people outside your circle of friends who are not inclined in that direction.

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