- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Capitalism is Highest Freedom

Posted by: Mike Bednarz ( Fly-Over Country Capitalists, Wells Kansas, USA ) on August 08, 1997 at 10:25:28:

In Reply to: No freedom with capitalism posted by Ted on August 07, 1997 at 01:07:31:

: If you repeat that sentence often enough, you may convince yourself. Some of us aren't so easily swayed. If I'm free, how is it that someone who is referred to as "boss" tells me what time to come in, what time to go home, and what to do in between?

Your Free because at any time you can leave the "dictatorship" of your boss. When a company dosen't give you the products or salaries you want you always have the freedom to work or shop elsewhere, you may even start your own business. You will not have similar choice when a communism starts churning out oppresive legislation; its much more difficult than choosing an alternative government.

:If I'm free, how is it that this same person can take away my means of economic support, at any time, for any reason?

You can take away your bosses means production, at any time, for any reason. The freedom works both ways.

:If I were truly free, I wouldn't be surrounded by people who act like jailers. : If I had real freedom, I wouldn't have to relinquish control of my life to corporate landlords and credit bureaus.

You lead an intresting life.

:I wouldn't worry about the system called "fractional reserve banking", and its potential for economic devastation. And I certainly wouldn't have to worry about absorbing carcinogens from unregulated industrial enterprise.

Yes, those same carcinogens that cause us to live 75+ years. If you want to see pollution, go to bloc countries, where the lack of commecial inventiveness has led to disastrously ineficiant factories producing poisened rivers and sulfurous air. A company does not make money by killing people and polluting the earth. Knowledgable people don't buy unsafe products. Dead people don't buy anything.

: Freedom, under capitalism, means freedom to "gain wealth, forgetting all but self." Contrary to what you may believe, there are people outside your circle of friends who are not inclined in that direction.


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