- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Marxian economics

Posted by: Red Deathy ( RDP, UK ) on July 27, 1997 at 22:39:10:

In Reply to: The crisis is just around the corner. posted by Michael Owens on July 26, 1997 at 13:53:47:

: If we do not switch to communism the rich will keep getting richer and the poor poorer? I think your forecasting a nonexistent, irrelevant crisis that you mention only to further your cause of imprisoning the world. Show me the evidence of this depressing future.

Right- lets play simple logic time- its a fun game.

The aim of capitalism is to make a profit- yes. The way to make a profit is to sell commodities. yes? When the going gets good, the producers will inevitably increase production in order to make more profit (Selling more commoditiies makes more money,yes?). Right, but when the market is saturated, or the rate of consumption falls, the producers find themselves producing too much. Yes. So they sack the workforce. Simple.

Now, there are ways around that. One way is capital investment in production- creating new and better products to stimulate more consumption. However, this leads to a decline in overall proffit (The rate of profit) as more and more accumulated capital is spent on capital investment, as a share of gross profits- so again a decline of overproduction sets in- sack the workers (Fun game this, innit?)
Or the third way is to keep supply short, so that you can never fulfill the market's demands- effectively starving the market to maintain a profit- this works well in sectors like agriculture, where while we live in a world of plenty, people still starve.

All three of these options lead to human misery. Communist yet dearie?

: PS: why should we rely on anyone else's definition of communism/marxism/socialism etc. Just define what kind of system YOU advocate and then debate can be much more focused. If in life there is ever a situation so Dire as the Crusoe story, I myself will support communism, but it simply doesn't work that way.

Socialism: A society where production is organised socially and democratically to meet human needs- where the full productive forces artificially constrained by capitalism can be harnessed to produce an abundance of wealth for all, and where we can live without war, or the repressive features of the class state. Where the condition for the development of one is the development of all (This is not to say that we hold people down, but that one person cannot rise above the others on the back of their Labour, as happens now)

Good definition for you- I think so.

Red Deathy

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