- Capitalism and Alternatives -

A real fantasy

Posted by: The Everett Citizen ( IWW, OBU ) on December 18, 1997 at 15:02:17:

In Reply to: A real argument. posted by Cara Russell on December 17, 1997 at 05:44:39:

: The Pilgrims, who everybody knows sailed to America to avoid religious persecution, lived under communism.

The pilgrims came from religiously tolerant Holland, not to escape persecution, but to establish a state based on their religious principles.

Now these were good people, they went to church every Sunday and believed that idle hands are the devils playthings. No corruption here. Well, these people decided that whatever was produced would be shared. Everyone would work, every one would eat. Well, it turns out that they too, could be lazy. Not enough food was produced, and many of them starved over the winter.

Their problems were not in laziness, but in unfamiliarity with native plants and growing conditions, and disease that decimated their numbers. And they were only saved at all by the indians in the vicinity, and they were taught to farm and grow foods native to north america, ie squash, corn, beans. Oh, by the way, the indians also held everything in common.

: This is exactly what we evil capitalists have been trying to explain. No incentive, no production. Think it over. I'm looking forwardn to hearing from you all, especially you, Gerald.

Please see my post above about capitalism's incentive program.

Also,, do yourself a favor and read Richard Shenkman's book, "Legends, Lies and Cherished Myths of American History." You can probably check it out from your public library (If one still exists where you live).

Mike, The Everett Citizen

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