- Capitalism and Alternatives -

A real argument.

Posted by: Cara Russell ( Death to Mike McNiel, USA ) on December 17, 1997 at 05:44:39:

Okay, we can't use what happened in Russia as an argument against communism, because the leaders were all corrupt. We can't use China because once again, corruption ruled. But there is one iron clad example.

The Pilgrims, who everybody knows sailed to America to avoid religious persecution, lived under communism. Now these were good people, they went to church every Sunday and believed that idle hands are the devils playthings. No corruption here. Well, these people decided that whatever was produced would be shared. Everyone would work, every one would eat. Well, it turns out that they too, could be lazy. Not enough food was produced, and many of them starved over the winter.

This is exactly what we evil capitalists have been trying to explain. No incentive, no production. Think it over. I'm looking forwardn to hearing from you all, especially you, Gerald.


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