- Capitalism and Alternatives -

control over how you raise your children?

Posted by: Dan on December 16, 1997 at 22:21:44:

In Reply to: Nice Illusion posted by The Everett Citizen on December 16, 1997 at 17:42:06:

: Don't you realize the afformentioned predators are ELIMINATING :choices with every aquisition? (Who will gobble up whom: coke or :pepsi? and does it matter?)

Whoops, there are laws against Monopolies and we can see those laws going into effect as we speak, namely against Microsoft. Please stop with the fear mongering.

: EC:
: When did WE stop being the "government"? The "government" today is a :collection of corporate puppets, who are doing exactly that which :their corporate masters demand of them: instilling "values" in our :children that are contrary to the health and well being of everyone on :the planet.

When you dont have an answer, the best solution is to change the question, right? "WE" have never been the government but I know you dont need me to explain that, do you?

: EC:
: A society accountable to everyone, not just those with all the money.

Come on Mike, this answer isnt up to your standards. Do you really want the State to have control over how you raise your children? Stop jumping around the question.

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