- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Nice Illusion

Posted by: The Everett Citizen ( IWW, OBU ) on December 16, 1997 at 17:42:06:

In Reply to: nice dream posted by Dan on December 11, 1997 at 23:59:30:

: Unfortunately this is a nice dream but not everything can be mass produced for all for one and two many of us like to have a choice.

Oh, you mean like coke or pepsi. Or Boeing or McDonnellDouglas (oops! scratch that choice!) or McDonalds or Burger King? Or Microsoft or Apple (oops! scratch yet another choice) You mean this kind of choice, Dan?

Don't you realize the afformentioned predators are ELIMINATING choices with every aquisition? (Who will gobble up whom: coke or pepsi? and does it matter?)

: When did it become the job of governments to instil values in our children?

When did WE stop being the "government"? The "government" today is a collection of corporate puppets, who are doing exactly that which their corporate masters demand of them: instilling "values" in our children that are contrary to the health and well being of everyone on the planet.

The attack on conformity is used against capatalism but then what would you call a "State raised" society?

A society accountable to everyone, not just those with all the money.

Mike, The Everett Citizen

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