- Capitalism and Alternatives -

Re: Consumerism

Posted by: Dan on December 09, 1997 at 21:45:16:

In Reply to: Consumerism posted by Stu on December 09, 1997 at 18:11:48:

: Does anyone agree?

With what? You've made some very nice statements but I cant find anything to debate besides a few side notes here and there.

The role of advertising is to sell. Do you want to see all advertising done away with? An interesting idea but Im not sure thats what your asking for. Instead of looking for education from advertising, how about we look to our educators (parents, schools, .... local philosiphers) to make sure we can sift through the waves of advertising.

It is a much better comment on society to say we are people that are above such common denominator tactics, then to say that we had to get rid of it all together in order to protect ourselves.

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