- Anything Else -


Posted by: Ralph Hesler ( U.S.A. ) on December 31, 1997 at 16:33:21:

I have read that ifthere were a union in McDonalds, there could be better working conditions. But you have to remember a Union is just like an employer. You have to PAY DUES. They say that they work for you to gain better wages, conditions,etc. But the MAIN fact is they want those dues payed!A company will only give you what they want you to have. SO if that company does not give you what empolyees want, do not work for them. You could go on strike, hold out for what you want. But in this day an age the company will either close or move to some other
place to reopen. This does not help anyone but the company. UNIONS ARE NOT THE ANSWER!

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