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Why would we be debating? I think we have it!

Posted by: The Everett Citizen ( IWW, OBU ) on December 17, 1997 at 05:22:14:

In Reply to: I think we have it posted by Dan on December 16, 1997 at 22:23:32:

: :If everyone shared these ideals we wouldnt have capitalism.

: This is it! In your own words! The reason communism does not work is that people do not share the ideals that are needed to make it work. Now please go away, not because I say your wrong but because you just admitted it, or I guess you can go try something a little bit less challenging.

It should come as no suprise to anyone that not all share this view. If we didn't recognize that some people believe differently, we wouldn't even have a debate forum. When everyone DOES share the ideals and ideas, then we can all "go away" from this debate room.

Until then, your education will continue!

Mike, The Everett Citizen

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